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1. 2021.09- 至 今   欧洲杯买球正规平台中心实验室副教授

2. 2020.02-2021.08  欧洲杯买球正规平台中心实验室讲师

3. 2017.07-2020.01 欧洲杯买球正规平台材料科学系博士后/讲师

4. 2013.09-2017.02 法国国家科学院材料精细结构研究所/图卢兹第三大学博士

5. 2011.09-2013.06 欧洲杯买球正规平台光电工程学院硕博连读

6. 2007.09-2011.06 欧洲杯买球正规平台光电工程学院光电信息系学士









1. 国家自然科学基金委员会,青年项目,2018-012020-12,主持;

2. 国家自然科学基金委员会,面上项目,2021-012024-12,主研;

3. 国家自然科学基金委员会,面上项目,2020-012023-12,主研;

4. 科技委重点基础研究项目,2020/10 -2024/09,主研;

5. 国家重点实验室开放基金,2023-2024,主持;

6. 中国博士后科学基金委员会,面上资助,2018-052019-10,主持;

7. 重庆市人社局,博士后科研项目特别资助,2018-082020-01,主持;

8. 留学回国人员创新项目,2021-2024,主持;

9. 横向若干,2021-2022, 2022-2023, 2023-2024,主持;




(1) Q. Hu, X. Fu*, Z. Zeng, J. Li, G.Liu, C. Zheng, L. Zhang, X.Huang, Electron knock-on damage effects on electron magnetic chiral dichroism of magnetic metals using cobalt as a model, Applied Physics Letters, 2024, 124(9): 092407.

(2) T. Wang*, S. Xia, F. Wang, Z. Rena, P. Sciau, C. Yang, J. Zhu, H. Luo, Q. Li, X. Fu*, Study of morphology and structure of crystals in persimmon-red glazes of Jian wares (Song Dynasty, 960-1279 CE) using imaging and spectroscopic techniques, Journal of the European Ceramic Society, 2024, 44(5): 3337-3343.

(3) Z. Zeng, X. Fu*, Q. Hu, G. Liu, J. Li, X. Huang, The influence of residual plural scattering after deconvolution in electron magnetic chiral dichroism, Ultramicroscopy, 2023, 253: 113860.

(4) Z. Yu, J. Qiu, H. Li, P. Cai, L. Zhang*, X. Fu*, J. Wang, N. Xiao, Microstructure, mechanical properties and thermal stability of friction-stir-processed Al–Cu–Mg–Ag alloy, Materials Science and Engineering: A, 2023, 863:144525.

(5) S. Sun, Z. Ma, Z. Chen, P. Liu, Y. Song, Q. Lu, X. Fu, Q. Wang, W. Cui*, The crystallographic structure and properties of novel quaternary nanolaminated rare-earth-Cr-based i-MAX phases, Acta Materialia, 2022, 242: 118479.

(6) K. Wu, X. Fu*, W. Zhu, X. Huang*, Atomic-scale investigation on the origin of in-plane variants in L10-FePt nanoparticles embedded in a single-crystalline MgO matrix, Journal of Applied Physics, 2022, 132: 175305.

(7) J. Wang, L. Meng, Z. Zhang, B. Sa, X. Fu*, L. Sheng*, D. Xu, Y. Zheng, Investigation on the crystal structure and mechanical properties of the ternary compound Mg11-xZnxSr combined with experimental measurements and first-principles calculations. Journal of Magnesium and Alloys, (2021)

(8) J. Yang, Rui Liu, N. Jia, K. Wu, X. Fu*Q. Wang*, W. Cui*, Novel W-based in-plane chemically ordered (W2/3R1/3)2AlC (R = Gd, Tb, Dy, Ho, Er, Tm and Lu) MAX phases and their 2D W1.33C MXene derivatives, Carbon, 2021, 183: 76-83.

(9) J. Yang, G. Yao, S. Sun, Z. Chen, S. Yuan, K. Wu, X. Fu*, Q. Wang*, W. Cui*, Structural, magnetic properties of in-plane chemically ordered (Mo2/ 3R1/3)2AlC(R=Gd,Tb,Dy,Ho,ErandY) MAX phase and enhanced capacitance of Mo1.33C MXene derivatives, Carbon, 2021, 179:104-110.

(10) X. Fu*. K. Wu, V. Serin, B. Warot-Fonrose, Q. He, R. Yang, L. Zhang, X. Huang, Electron energy-loss magnetic chiral dichroism of magnetic iron film affected by an underlayer in a double-layer structure, Applied Physics Letters, 2019, 115: 112401.

(11) C. Gatel, X. Fu, V. Serin, M. Eddrief, V. Etgens, B. Warot-Fonrose, In depth spatially inhomogeneous phase transition in epitaxial MnAs film on GaAs(001), Nano Letters, 2017, 17(4): 2460-2466.

(12) X. Fu*, B. Warot, K. Dumesnil, R. Arras, V. Serin*, Quantitative Moment study and coupling of 4f rare earth and 3d metals by transmitted electrons, Physical Review B: Rapid Communication, 2016, 94 (14): 1404161-1404165.

(13) X. Fu, B.Warot, R. Arras, V. Etgens, V. Serin, In situ observation of ferromagnetic order breaking in MnAs/GaAs(001) and magnetocrystalline anisotropy of α-MnAs by electron magnetic chiral dichroism, Physical Review B, 2016, 93(10): 1044101-1044107.

(14)X. Fu*, B.Warot, R. Arras, D. Demaille, M. Eddrief, V. EtgensV. Serin, Energy-loss magnetic chiral dichroism study of epitaxial MnAs film on GaAs(001), Applied Physics Letters, 2015, 107(6): 0624021-0624024.








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